Peaches & Petals: June & July 2016 Subscription Box Review

Okay, so I have decided that I’m gonna keep these videos up — at least until I don’t care anymore to keep up with it anyways.

As you can tell by the title, I will be opening up TWO boxes this time around because I kept procrastinating the June video for so long that the July box came in the mail. It’s okay though, there’s more stuff for me to convince you as to why you should also get in on this stuff for $20 a month!



Also, keep in mind that if you’re interested in subscribing, there’s plenty of discount codes available! I know I’ve seen one on their site if you’re a first time box purchaser OR you can be like me and find a code that’ll get you your first box for HALF the price – these codes are usually available through other people who are also big fans of Peaches & Petals.

In case you were wondering, I totally looked up that speaker and it goes for about $15 so hey, pretty good deal and box inclusion IMO.

Leave any thoughts or question in the comment.

I was totally serious about giving that stuff I mentioned away. Shoot me an address and it’s yours!